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Who we are

All IMA countries consist of a National Committee which consists of the National Chair, Finance Officer and MarCom Officer. See our current National Committee here.

Next to that IMA Germany has established regional chapters - click here to learn more about IMA Germany's Regional Leads.

IMA Germany offers its members a mentoring programme - fully free of charge. Discover who is hosting the Mentoring programme and reach out to make an appointment.

Social Media is a material part of our public relations. Explore who is helping to manage the same.

Articles about IMA Germany

We are very happy that we can now look back to many years of cooperation with our Business Member Verlag für die Deutsche Wirtschaft AG, which publishes the trade journal "working@office".

We have had the honour and pleasure that various articles about IMA members were published in recent years as well as articles which were created  together with IMA members.  Here is an overview of recent cover stories. By the way: as an IMA member you will get a really nice discount on the subscription. 

Global Skills Matrix

Learn more about the unique overview

of a career framework for

office professionals.

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