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Previous international events

Reading about the international events will give you an impression of what it is all about - but sometimes images speak louder than words. 

We have videos from our most recent international events so you can see for yourself, what an IMA event is - the joy of meeting peers, the friendly atmosphere stemming from long time members meeting year after year - but also welcoming new members into the group. 

International Training Day 2024 held in Rome, Italy.

We were also celebrating IMA Italy's 40 year anniversary.

International Annual Conference 2023 held in Cape Town, South Africa. 

This was our first conference outside Europe.

International Training Day 2023, held in Larnaca, Cyprus.

IMA has offered International Conferences since 1974 

2023 49th Annual Conference: Building bridges as company culture ambassador, Cape Town, South Africa

2022 48th Annual Conference: The power of Storytelling, Helsinki, Finland/Hybrid

2021 47th Annual Conference: Working In The New Normal, Online

2020 46th Annual Conference: IMA – YOU ARE NOT ALONE! How to stay relevant for business? Online

2019 45th Annual Conference: The Future is now: How to be a challenger in your role? Geneva, Switzerland

2018 44th Annual Conference: The Digital Age: The Future of the Executive Assistant - Technology, Leadership, You Frankfurt, Germany

2017 43rd Annual Conference: Business Ethics & Integrity The Hague, The Netherlands

2016 42nd Annual Conference: Self Development "Working in the Eye of the Storm" Copenhagen, Denmark

2015 41st Annual Conference: New Realities, Transform and Thrive Limassol, Cyprus

2014 40th Annual Conference: The E Factor: maximizing your potential to reach your professional Excellence Paris, France

2013 39th Annual Conference: Managing Today – Leading Tomorrow London, UK

2012 38th Annual Conference: Culture & Values: Software of the Mind Reykjavik, Iceland

2011 37th Annual Conference: The world is changing - our profession is moving Zurich, Switzerland

2010 36th Annual Conference: A brave new world - Focus on what matters for your future! Brussels, Belgium

2009 35th Annual Conference: Make it easy - with original thinking Ljubljana, Slovenia

2008 34th Annual Conference: Think east, work west - Asia shaping our future Berlin, Germany

2007 33rd Annual Conference: Evolution or extinction! create your own opportunities Brussels, Belgium

2006 32nd Annual Conference: Social responsibility - How can business and organizations contribute to society in the future? Malmo, Sweden

2005 31st Annual Conference: Facing the Impact of the Aging Workforce Nice, France

2004 30th Annual Conference: Think Digital - Act Human Athens, Greece

2003 29th Annual Conference: Riding the Waves of Change Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2002 28th Annual Conference: Values for the Future Copenhagen, Denmark

2001 27th Annual Conference: Driving forces of the 21st Century Globalisation, Technology, Values Helsinki, Finland

2000 26th Annual Conference: New Century - New Generation Linz, Austria

1999 25th Annual Conference: Knowledge is power Reykjavik, Iceland

1998 24th Annual Conference: The Flexible Working Environment Madrid, Spain

1997 23rd Annual Conference: Communication Management Munich, Germany

1996 22nd Annual Conference: Social Responsibility & New Management Styles Montecatini, Italy

1995 21st Annual Conference: Breaking Barriers and Achieving Links Limassol, Cyprus

1994 20th Annual Conference: The Competitive Edge London, UK

1993 19th Annual Conference: Our Business and Cultural Heritage Stockholm, Sweden

1992 18th Annual Conference: Looking to the Future - Evolve, Adapt, Progress, Succeed Bruges, Belgium

1991 17th Annual Conference: Culture and Ethics in Business Oslo, Norway

1990 16th Annual Conference: Networking communication across the border, Maastrict, The Netherlands

1989 15th Annual Conference: The Challenge of Europe and of the Secretary, Copenhagen, Denmark

1988 14th Annual Conference: Going international - managing the change, Turku, Finland

1987 13th Annual Conference: Human values in business, Athens, Greece

1986 12th Annual Conference: Quality control circles, Reykjavik, Iceland

1985 11th Annual Conference: Managerial and organisation styles in European countries, San Remo, Italy

1984 10th Annual Conference: Future trends: business world sociopolitico and economic terms - the secretary in the 90ies, Stockholm, Sweden

1983 9th Annual Conference: The Executive secretary: a partner in business, Stratford, United Kingdom

1982 8th Annual Conference: Meeting the future, Lillehammer, Norway

1981 7th Annual Conference: Being a personality in your profession, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

1980 6th Annual Conference: The electronic office, Paris, France

1979 5th Annual Conference: The secretary in the midst of national and international contacts, Espoo, Finland

1978 4th Annual Conference: The professional secretary today and tomorrow, Aarhus, Denmark

1977 3rd Annual Conference: Career development of the professional secretary, London, United Kingdom

1976 2nd Annual Conference: The development of a secretarial function in the next decade, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

1975: 1st Annual Conference: Training needs for today's top secretary and recommendations to companies, Paris France.

- and International Training Days since 1998

2024 27th International Training Day: Develop your cultural leadership - Rome, Italy

2023 26th International Training Day: Advance your career through story telling - Larnaca, Cyprus

2022 25th International Training Day: Lëtz make it happen: when innovation meets creativity! Luxembourg, First hybrid event

2021 23th International Training Day: Wellbeing & Nudging for Sustainable Choices! Online

2020 22th International Training Day: IMA with you all the way , Online

2019 22nd International Training Day: At the Heart of Leadership - Put your Emotional Intelligence into Action, Athens, Greece

2018 21st International Training Day: The Digital Age: Your Online Brand Matters – Be Strategic, Barcelona, Spain

2017 20th International Training Day: Business Ethics – A Matter of Choice, Antwerp, The Netherlands

2016 19th European Training Day: Self Development "The Wheel of Personal Success" by Laura Belgrado and

Peter Andreou - Stockholm, Sweden

2015 18th European Training Day: Change Management, by Marina Giareni, Learning for Life. Milan, Italy

2014 17th European Training Day: Effective Presentation Skills by David Austin, Crawford Communications Cologne, Germany

2013 16th European Training Day : Successful Negotiating by Diana Vanbrabant, ETACC Madrid, Spain

2012 15th European Training Day : Use of Social Media by Adrian Swinscoe, RARE BUSINESS, UK Athens ,Greece


14th European Training Day : Master your Emotions to Master your life by Angie Katselianos, Platinum

Performance International, Luxembourg

2010 13th European Training Day: Emotional Intelligence by Professor Esa Saarinen, Finnish Trainer/Philosopher

Helsinki, Finland

2009 12th European Training Day: Project Management by by One Step Ahead Coaching, Belgium Manchester, UK

2008 11th European Training Day: Cross-Generational Communication in the Workplace by Brave New

Enterprises - Oslo, Norway

2007 10th European Training Day: The Magic of Innovation - Develop you creative skills by Performa, Cyprus Warsaw, Poland

2006 9th European Training Day: Leadership - The Assistant is the hidden leader by Innotiimi, Finland Budapest, Hungary

2005 8th European Training Day : Cross Cultural Communications by Richard Lewis Communications Ltd., UK - Ljubljana, Slovenia

2004 7th European Training Day : Secret Power of Public Speaking for Secretaries and Assistants by Smart Business Communications, France - Vienna, Austria

2003 6th European Training Day : Leading and Working in a Team Luxembourg

2002 5th European Training Day : Packing more Punch into your Presentation of EUMA and Yourself by Artistic,

Licence and the Training Pack, UK - Milan, Italy

2001 4th European Training Day : Personal Effectiveness in Relationships by Roffey Park Management Institute, UK Brussels, Belgium

2000 3rd European Training Day : Turning Strategy into Action - Making it Happen by Roffey Park Management

Institute, UK - London, UK

1999 2nd European Training Day : Strategic Thinking and Empowerment by Roffey Park Management Institute,

UK - Lugano, Switzerland

1998 1st European Training Day : Developing Winning Teams for Survival and Success by Manexcel of Cyprus Paris, France

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