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Become a Global partner to IMA

We welcome all sorts of partners in IMA - we have paid partnerships but also strategic partnerships that are mutually beneficial without involving a cost for either party. 

We set up contracts for at least two years, because it takes time to get benefits for both parties - and long lasting partnerships mean that members get to know our partners much better. 

 Partnership offerings


5000 Euro/year


4000 Euro/year 


3000 Euro/year 

Extended global

3000 Euro/year 


2000 Euro/year

 Logo, name, link and text from partner on website x x x x x
 Articles in IMA Global newsletter 8/year 4/year 2/year 2/year 1/year
 Articles on IMA Global Insights area 12/year 8/year 4/year 2/year 1/year
 IMA Global SoMe team cooperates with partner on specific campaigns/press releases x x x x 
 One person/specified country (max 3) can participate in IMA country's meetings on special terms     x 
 Gain visibility by offering IMA members specific deals/discounts on members only pages x x x x x

Fees above are valid for contracts starting in 2025. 

Want to discuss options?

If you are interested in becoming a partner - or want to hear more about partnering up with IMA, please reach out to our Executive Marcom officer to set up a meeting. 

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