My name is Heli Puputti and I joined EAPS Finland in 1988, so I’ve been member of the association since then whether it was called EAPS, EUMA or IMA. It immediately turned out that the association was the right place for me and right away got a lot of kind, new, important and useful assistant contacts. Many of them also became friends.
My last job was for 27 years at Postibankki (Post Bank), third largest bank in Finland at the time, today Danske Bank Finland, as Assistant to the CEO. During these years the CEO changed four times, but somehow I always managed to keep my position.
All my superiors had a very positive attitude towards our association, and at my employer's expense I was free to participate in the association's conferences, seminars and Training Days held in Finland and around Europe. I also could host various IMA events in many of the bank's representative premises, the most luxurious of which was the Art Nouveau villa, Villa Johanna, in Helsinki.
I was National Chairman of EUMA Finland from 1993 to 1997 and EUMA Executive Chairman from 2003 to 2007. I still have a few close friends from the other Board Members and other members from my time as EUMA Executive Chairman. Am also happy that I have many friends from IMA via Facebook. One of EUMA's important goals is also establishing international friendships.
The fact that the superiors of Finnish IMA Management Assistants have appreciated our association is still true. As an example from my own term as EUMA Executive Chairman, the fact that with the help of the contacts of one of our members' supervisors, I got 16 free Finnair flights to destinations where our association's main events in Europe were organized.
When I was National Chaiman of Finland, we sometimes invited our superiors to our celebrations and they were surprisingly happy to come. They were amazed by our many contacts and made even new business contacts themselves with some managers of other assistants.
Now I am retired since many years, but am still member of the association. At the end of my term as EUMA Executive Chairman, I have to thank EUMA Finland who gave me the title of National Honorary Member for life. I follow the development of IMA and participate in some IMA Finland’s events.
Questions I got asked frequently as Chairman:
- Was it difficult to be elected EUMA's Executive Chairman?
It was easy to answer "It wasn't. I was the only candidate!” Fortunately, today proper elections can be held and interest in the association's leading positions has grown. Every member should be aware of what a great opportunity it gives to develop yourself and getting useful connections not only for yourself but also for your company. It is also interesting to get to know more about the many different cultures, which are represented by the members of our association.
- Was the position of Executive Chairman valued?
Yes! I noticed it quickly. The day after the election, when I was on my way home from Amsterdam to Helsinki I went to the tax free store at the airport. Two young women cautiously approached me and asked: "May we speak to the Chairman?" They were new EUMA members and had for the first time participated in an EUMA international event. They told me about their hopes that new members should be better observed and that they would be pleased to have some senior member as a mentor. An excellent proposal that was quickly implemented in all national groups.
In Finland, my election as EUMA Executive Chairman of the Association also attracted attention and, for example, the financial magazine Optio did a long interview with photos.
- Was the job of EUMA Executive Chaiman difficult?
To this I always answered with a twinkle in my eye, quoting the editor-in-chief of the leading Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat: "Sometimes it was harder than always." Well, the fact is that there never was a problem so difficult that a solution could not be found, if not alone, at least together.
During my career I never felt like I was "just an assistant". I always felt that I was a respected "Executive Assistant" in my work community, both because of my experience and competence, but also as a person who got along with everyone. This is of course my subjective opinion.
I wish IMA the best of luck and success for the upcoming 50th anniversary and for the future!
Heli Puputti
My first EUMA Confrence as European Chairman was in Athens in 2004. EUMA Greece celebrated its 30th Anniversary. At the birthday cake from left Piyi Ghini, National Chairman EUMA Greece, Sonia Vanular, Founder, who was excited to taste the cake already with her fingers and Heli Puputti, EUMA Executive Chairman.

Four IMA friends on a private visit to Rome in January 2018: From left Heli Puputti, EUMA Executive Chairman 2003 – 2007, Maria Lazarou, EUMA Executive Chairman 2009 – 2013, EUMA Deputy Executive Chairman 2006 – 2009, Tarja-Kaarina Korte, National Chairman EUMA Finland 1999 – 2003, Morna Robillard, EUMA Association Secretary.

In April 2023 spent a few days in Reykjavik in Iceland. Had the pleasure of meeting lovely IMA friends from the past. On the left standing with Björg Jóhannesdóttir and Krístín Petursdóttir and on the right with Vilborg Kristjansdóttir, all once active members of IMA in Iceland and also on the Board or the Council.