by Inger Wijnbladh, IMA Sweden
I joined EAPS in 1986 and the very same year I became a member of the Board in EAPS Sweden as Executive Treasurer. I hold this position until 1990 when I moved to Luxembourg. During my 12 years in Luxembourg I discovered what a fantastic network EAPS was.
Luxembourg is a country in the middle of Europe - 20 km from Belgium, Germany and France.
I joined the Luxembourgish group and participated in meetings in Belgium, Germany and France.
My first AGM was in Reykjavik sept 1986.
A nice memory when all members were invited to a cocktail party at the Residence of Island President Vigdis Finnbogadottir. She welcomed us all personally and we were allowed to go around and look at the premises.

1987 AGM in Athens
I was pregnant with my daughter and Helen Anastopoulos, Member of the Greek board, took specially care of me. She named my stomach her EAPS baby. When Caroline was born she sent me a beautiful wooden icon from the orthodox church. Helen has been visiting me in Stockholm and we, still after 36 years, send Christmas cards to each other. Talk about network…

The Chair (with red necklace) was Elizabeth Hawtin, secretary to MD of British Airways.
1988 AGM in Turku (Åbo), Finland

After the AGM some of us took a nice sauna.
I joined the sauna with Sonja Vanuar.
We had a splendid dinner at the medieval Turku Castle, where we were met by choir singing and given a warm welcome by the Mayor of Turku.
Folk-dancing and last but not least Tessa Eames, EAPS Belgium, a former operasinger, joining the minstrel in a song concluding the day.
1989 Council meeting, Venice, Italy

When landed at the airport there were no boats due to the flood. The Swedish group was helped by a kind man Gino Pallegrini. He later invited us to the famous Harrys bar.
After the Council Meeting we had a nice dinner and got italian masks to wear.
The visit also of course included a gondola tour on Canal Grande
1989 Silvia Dymond from Brussels visited Stockholm
Me , my husband and daughter Caroline 1,5 year old took Sylvia Dymond from Brussels on a boat trip in the Swedish archipelago.
1989 AGM in Copenhagen
The first dinner was special. We were all invited to different Danish families. I was invited together with two young girls from Madrid. Our host was Helle Gale.
The Conference took place at Hotel d’Angleterre. After the AGM we joined a bus sightseeing and saw the Little Mermaid and Louisiana.

The Swedish Board:
Madeleine Beckman, Eva Bruce,
Anne-Marie Hellerström,
Inger Wijnbladh and Christina Holmström