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Member no. 31

7 Aug 2024 17:03 | Christina Kragh (Administrator)

Written by Karen Nanninga, IMA Netherlands

EAPS, “European Association of Professional Secretaries”: That’s where it all started. Having graduated from the European Secretarial Academy, having worked abroad and always in an international environment, it was obvious that I would join an international association. I still have the official welcome letter by EUMA’s late Honorary Member Joke Snijders.

I was member no. 31 in a group that badly needed young(er) blood. I got involved in the organisation for the 1990 Annual Conference in Maastricht and that first fantastic international conference experience motivated me to volunteer for the position of National Chairman. Together with other new members we managed to create a new dynamic and professional image and four years later we had over 120 members. Many members signed up for committees and participated actively in the group’s life. It was fantastic to experience what motivated volunteers can accomplish when they believe in the shared goal.

A few years later, in 1997, I was asked to nominate for the position of Executive Chairman. The previous Chairmen Valerie Greet and Alessandra Lanza had much impressed me, I had a lot of respect for this position, and I was “only” 36. And I wasn’t the only candidate, so we had elections. I didn’t know then, what awaited me ... During the very same AGM in Munich in 1997 the meeting voted unanimously to proceed with the change of the name of the Association, in other words – I was responsible for steering EAPS through “Operation Name Change”, whether I liked it or not, that was my mission ....

My election turned out to be the beginning of a very exciting period in my life. I travelled to almost all our national groups, to some even several times, got to know their spirit and culture, met many members when I led workshops and discussion rounds, and was a speaker at conferences all over Europe and beyond.

My main issue from the start was to involve all members in the name change process. I wanted this to be democratic, open, creative and transparent. We had heated discussions about whether or not to abandon the word “secretaries” from the name, whether we should keep the EAPS acronym or even the colour green of the logo. All members could cast their vote for one of the final two options and during the AGM in Madrid in 1998 “European Management Assistants” was announced as the winner. And ... the new logo was chosen immediately after. What a celebration! This moment is a tremendous milestone to me, still.

What we achieve for our Association is always the work of a team. “My” Executive Committee members were all incredibly skilled professionals from whom I learned a lot, most of all what synergy based on trust really means ... and how to celebrate and have a lot of fun after the hard work!

I very much enjoyed all the interaction with the national groups and feel proud of the co-operation with the National Committees and the Council. Together we accomplished so much. These years were very rich, interesting, challenging and rewarding.

Some more highlights:

  • The first International Training Day in Paris in 1998
  • EUMA’s 25th Anniversary in 1999 in Iceland
  • The new corporate identity and a total revision of the Statutes
  • EUMA Pulse Poll in 2000 and the visibility it brought us
  • The process of the EUMA Strategy definition, decision making and implementation in the groups
  • The concept for more interactive and effective Council Meetings
  • The work of the international project team for the 2-day Annual Conference in Amsterdam, 2003
  • Representing Europe and EUMA during two International Secretaries Summits
  • Being the Moderator for several World Administrators Summits in recent years

In the meantime, we have once more changed the name of the Association. “E” or “I”: It is still about the Management Assistant Profession. To inspire professional “to ride the waves of change” through continuous professional ànd personal development has always been and will always be our core purpose.

EAPS, EUMA, IMA, thank you! I have moved on as a trainer, consultant and certified coach. My professional life wouldn’t have developed the wonderful way it has without this enormous learning experience. I wish for our IMA members that they will continue to recognize the gift of active participation in the life of the Association. May IMA thrive by and for its members and always be a source of inspiration!

By Karen Nanninga, Member since 1989, Executive Chairman 1997-2001

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