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IMA Sweden - Fall Seminar

  • 13 Nov 2023
  • 17:30 (CET)
  • 13 Dec 2023
  • 20:30 (CET)
  • Gothenburg, Stockholm & Malmö

Welcome to the IMA Fall Seminar 2023

This year's autumn seminar has a very well-known and exciting speaker, Anders Wallensten.
We hope you will come and listen - and bring one or more potential IMA members with you!

The topic this year is:"Can we influence our happiness and how satisfied we are with life in general?"

17.30 Registration & mingle at the mini fair
18.30 Information from IMA
19.00 Listen to our speaker Anders Wallenstam
20.00 Mingling and networking
20.30 Thank you for today

13 Nov. Clarion Hotel Draken, GothenburgOlof Palmes plats 2

14 Nov. Clarion Hotel Stockholm, Stockholm,Ringvägen 98

16 Nov. Clarion Collection Hotel Temperance, Malmö, Engelbrektsgatan 16

About the speaker - Anders Wallensten

In the early 2000's, Anders worked as a doctor in Kalmar and became aware of a research project on flu in ducks.
After studying viruses in wild ducks at the Ottenby bird station on Öland's southern tip, he defended a thesis on influenza viruses in wild birds at Linköping Universitet in 2006, which was the first Swedish thesis on avian influenza.
Wallensten believes that this marked his future career as he had to help Socialstyrelsen with contingency plans for infections between animals and humans and thus came into contact with epidemiology.

In 2007–2009 he worked at the Health Protection Agency in Stonehouse, England. He has worked at Smittskyddsinstituet before becoming assistant state epidemiologist at Folkhälsomyndigheten, where he continues to work with the 2020-2021 coronavirus outbreak in Sweden, which started in Wuhan, China, in 2019. In connection with this, Wallensten became a very public figure and appeared extensively in media.

In July, the doctor, epidemiologist and author Anders Wallensten's new book "Livsgåtan" was, finally, published.

The Fall seminar's lecture is related to the book! "Can we influence our happiness and how satisfied we are with life in general?"

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IMA Sweden

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