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IMA Sweden East - Members only meeting at Arlanda

  • 8 Apr 2024
  • 17:00 - 21:40
  • Radisson Blu Arlandia Hotel, Karbinvägen 3, Stockholm-Arlanda

Welcome to IMA East's meeting at Radisson Blue Arlandia!

Visit our Business Member Radisson Hotels and Radisson Blu Arlandia Hotel - "Sweden's gateway to the world".

With its many meeting facilities including 24 bright meeting rooms, relaxing pool area, first-class restaurant and 240 parking spaces, this pet-friendly hotel with its service-minded staff is the perfect place for your meetings.

Its location offers easy access for guests arriving by plane, train, shuttle or car. You can also offer your meeting participants unique activities such as our neighbor The Air Force combat school experiences – and get special rates through Radisson when you have meetings through them.

At the meeting, YOU will have the opportunity to fly a Viggen aircraft! It's safe to fly – you don't leave the ground and no special clothing is needed.

For those who want to stay overnight after the IMA meeting.

We offer accommodation in a single room, incl. breakfast, for only SEK 500 in a single room, SEK 700 for a double room, both including breakfast (08-09 April 2024). Please let sussi.kahlbom@radissonhotels.com know if you would like to book a room.

Last day to register is 21 March.


17.00 Buss from City terminal

18.30 Group 1:Goes to the Air Force Academy, gets into the cockpit of a Viggen aircraft for an experience in the Nordic countries. Largest Flight Simulator

   Group 2: Refreshments, information from Radisson Hotels and a guided tour of the hotel

19.30 Group 2:Goes to the Air Force Academy, gets into the cockpit of a Viggen aircraft for an experience in the Nordic countries. Largest Flight Simulator

   Group 1: Refreshments, information from Radisson Hotels and a guided tour of the hotel

20.30 Wrap up 

21.00 Buss to City terminal 

21.40 Thank you for today

Please note: times are approximate

Since the unique Flight Simulator can only take a limited number of people, this time we unfortunately need to limit the number of participants to 30 people – first come first serve.

If you are unable to attend, do not forget to cancel your registration. The easiest way to do this is to click on the link "Cancel your registration" you will find in the confirmation email or contact 

In case of no-show, we charge a fee of 400 SEK.



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