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IMA Luxembourg AGM

  • 12 Nov 2024
  • 18:00 - 22:00
  • Hotel Innside Luxembourg
  • You are cordially invited to attend the AGM which will be held on 12th November 2024 at 07:00 pm

    Venue :

    Hotel Innside Luxembourg.

    12, rue Henri M Schnadt

    L-2530 Luxembourg


  • Ø Possibility to visit the hotel on request before
  • Ø  Registration from 06:30 pm
  •  If you cannot attend, please remember to fill a POA in to attribute your vote to someone who can attend.

    This AGM is very important, as we need to elect two new committee members:

  • ·       Marcom Officer
  • ·       Finance Officer

We would like to take this opportunity to discuss with you how you see the future of our branch of IMA Luxembourg, for example how we can attract new members and which type of events you would like us to organise in the future.

After the AGM, we would like to invite you all to stay on for a networking drink and pleasant dinner together.

The apéro has been very kindly offered by Hotel Innside Luxembourg and IMA Luxembourg will cover 50% of the three-courses dinner.

This is the menu:


Salmon Tartar or Beef Tartar or Perfect egg with mushrooms

Main course:

Duck magret served with mashed sweet potatoes and sauted vegetables or

Vegatarian risotto with wild mushrooms or

Cod fillet with a Romescu sauce served with wakame, potatoes, cherry tomatoes and endive 


Lime and Basil panacotta with a melon coulis and mint oil

The price of the meal is €25.00  for members/ €65.00 for non-members

Please make your payment with your name and the comment: dinner AGM; and send us your menu selection by  30th October 2024 at the latest.

IMA Luxembourg BGL BNP Paribas LU95 0030 8929 0756 0000

This is a very important AGM, please take the time to attend, as it is vital for the future of IMA Luxembourg

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