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Coming together in a time of crisis

7 Aug 2024 17:19 | Christina Kragh (Administrator)

Written by Shari Spaulding, IMA Denmark

Being a member of EUMA (European Management Assistants) and later IMA has always been educational, inspiring and much fun.Taking part in the annual conferences is highly recommended. It’s a great way to meet members in other countries and a way to get to know your own country members better.

Over the years, we have been welcomed by the President of the hosting country, mayor of the hosting city and many other people. Lots of interesting speakers and workshops.

A special “experience” stands out. In 2010, when the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull erupted and air traffic was closed, we had to find a way to get back from the Annual Conference in Finland. Members of IMA are resourceful, so we managed to get ferry tickets from Helsinki to Stockholm and went out and bought sleeping bags for the 17-hour trip. We had foreseen to sleep somewhere on the ferry, however, we were lucky to get a cabin. We had a good time and lots of chatting. Upon arrival the next morning in Stockholm, a husband of one of my fellow travellers had driven eight hours to pick us up and drove us back to Copenhagen.

Shari Spaulding, PA, (IMA Denmark)

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