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Long-lasting friendships

7 Aug 2024 17:20 | Christina Kragh (Administrator)

Written by Christina B. Kragh, IMA Denmark

The first time I was able to take part in one of the cultural and networking tours, was during the conference in Iceland in 2012.

I was on a bus trip going from Reykjavik to the south-eastern part of Iceland and back, spending the night at a small hotel on the return leg.

We spent many hours on the bus together, we saw spectacular water falls, and we went sailing on a glacier lake and saw seals. The networking part of the many hours in the bus - and during dinner and breakfast - meant getting to know members from IMA Cyprus, IMA Norway and IMA Iceland that I had never met before. On the tour we had time to chat and learn about other cultures from each other.

These tours for me are extremely important as they help form the connections that our network is all about. 


Christina B. Kragh (IMA Denmark)

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