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Interested in becoming a member of this unique  global  professional network? You will have access to:
  • an international professional and personal network
  • lifelong learning and self-development with custom-made training programmes, conferences and workshops
  • experience exchange with your peers from outside your own industry
  • the latest trends and development of our profession
  • the culture and business life in all the member countries

We accept both individual members and Business members. To join IMA BELGIUM, please fill out the form below.
Yearly membership Fees:

  • Professional members : 175€ / 325€ all in (includes monthly events, except training days and international events)
  • Retired members : 125€
  • Students (individual membership) : 49€
  • Schools : 450€
  • Business partners : we offer several packages. Please contact our Marcom Officer for more information.
  • Companies can choose a group membership for their assistants. Please contact our Marcom Officerfor more information and choosing the formula best adapted to your situation.

Membership covers a calendar year, from 1 January to 31 December.

The membership fee includes regular monthly events, preferential rates for training days and international events, access to members only events and resources.


Please note that the term "free" in our membership application process refers to the application fee. Once your membership is approved, an annual membership fee will apply for continued access to our exclusive benefits and resources. 

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