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Interested in becoming a member of this unique  global  professional network? You will have access to:
  • an international professional and personal network
  • lifelong learning and self-development with custom-made training programmes, conferences and workshops
  • experience exchange with your peers from outside your own industry
  • the latest trends and development of our profession
  • the culture and business life in all the member countries

Becoming a member with IMA Cyprus is as easy as a click.

Professional Membership

Are you a management support professional working on management or executive level with the corresponding diploma or degree or with corresponding working experience in our profession?

Professional membership is granted to individuals who hold positions such as: Management Assistant, Executive Assistant, Executive Secretary, Personal Assistant, Office Manager/Supervisor, Team Leader

or who have hold similar positions and work at management and executive level.

The annual membership fee is €70.-  with initial registration fee: €20 (one-off payment)

Business Membership

Are you an organisation that would like to enter our network and benefit by becoming our Business Partner?

We welcome memberships from corporations and other companies such as local and international businesses & organisations, hotel chains, universities & colleges, travel agencies, recruiting firms, as well as professional trainers, speakers, HR consultants and other service and product providers that can complement our profession and members but at the same time to also benefit from us.

The annual membership fee starts from €110.- with initial registration fee: €20 (one-off payment) depending on annual plan agreed with IMA Cyprus

To join IMA Cyprus, please complete the form below.


Please note that the term "free" in our membership application process refers to the application fee. Once your membership is approved, an annual membership fee will apply for continued access to our exclusive benefits and resources.

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