Meet our National Committee
National Chair To ensure the efficient functioning of the Association in their own countries by leading a National Committee. The National Chairs shall be the point of contact between the Council and the national members. They are responsible for ensuring that members of their own group receive notices, agendas and minutes of General Meetings, and for keeping their members informed of decisions taken at Council Meetings. In addition, they shall be responsible for the recruitment of members in their own countries in accordance with the Statutes and local by-laws if applicable; and for liaison and good relations with other business organization in their own countries. Article 10.3 a. of the IMA Statutes The National Chair is responsible for:
the requests announced twice per year in the National Business Update (NBU) before each Council meeting.
The National Chair is the Chair of the country’s National Committee and the official representative (together with the National Finance Officer and the National MarCom Officer) of his/her country at Council meetings held twice a year. Other eventual members of the National Committee, e.g. a Deputy National Chair, are not Council members but can be nominated to represent a National Committee Member or attend the Council as observers. It is the responsibility of the National Chair to pursue the Vision and Mission of IMA on national level and lead the national group in line with the Statutes of IMA. In order to achieve consistency in the running of the Association internationally, the National Chair will:
development, vision etc.
Governance Officer 45 days prior to the Council meeting
matters, membership, strategy and other matters.
reached (every National Committee should work as a team)
to the IMA Statutes)
Finance Officer) are always up-to-date
met Approve the national accounts to be contributed to theExecutive Finance Officer by the National Finance Officer.
Note: the AGM has to take place before 30 June of each year
- Approval of the Minutes of the preceding National AGM - The National Committee’s report - Approval of the national statement of accounts for the preceding year - Approval of the budget for the following year - Appointment of auditors - Approval of annual membership fees - Endorsement of National Committee’s actions to date - Election of National Representatives to the Council (National Chair, National Finance Officer and National MarCom Officer) and other Committee members - Subjects proposed by members
Officer, National MarCom Officer
on 1 September.
exhibitions, conferences and seminars as appropriate
with the aims of the Association
cultural nature in accordance with conference guidelines
events is on an international level to anchor this with the Executive Committee.
Note: it is up to each National Chair to delegate some of the above functions to other National Committee Members in accordance with the group’s internal requirements |
National Finance Officer To be responsible for the national register of members and to keep the accounts of the National Group and to have them audited annually by auditors appointed by the National General Meeting; to prepare the budget for the National Group and to present it together with the accounts to the National Committee and the National General Meeting; to approve all contracts on national level after consultation with and approval of the other National Committee members; to participate in the preparation of the budget for the Association as a whole in conjunction with the Executive Finance Officer; and to present such financial information as is necessary for the Executive Finance Officer as and when requested. Article 10.3.b of the IMA Statutes The National Register of members The National Finance Officers are responsible for ensuring:
on the IMA website (GDPR compliant); it must be split into Professional Members, Business Members and Associate Members.
own responsibility of keeping their record up to date
Keeping the National Accounts of IMA The National Finance Officers are responsible:
to the national AGM.
as per the time lines mentioned above. Preparing the budget for the national group The National Finance Officers are responsible:
by the national AGM.
National Committee.
is included in the total budget.
following year is sent to the Executive Finance Officer, but only in case that any other financial possibility is exhausted. The National Finance Officers are responsible:
Committee and membership. |
National Marketing & Communication Officer
To make and maintain contact with the media and other bodies as appropriate; to organize and approve the updating of the national portions of the Association's website and social media channels; to coordinate with the Executive MarCom Officer the timely supply of any promotional material needed within their own countries; and to promote the image of the Association, encouraging good communications within their own group and between other National Groups and the Executive MarCom Officer. Article 10.3.c of the IMA Statutes The National MarCom Officers:
PR Duties
that the objectives linked with specific parts of the strategy are achieved within the National Group.
publicity and advancement of IMA – International Management Assistants’ aims.
as a whole, for the success and continuous advancement of IMA.
MarCom Officers
general interest to IMA members. Meetings
meetings and the National AGM.
IMA Media
cooperation with the fellow National Committee members.