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How is IMA set up?

We run IMA ourselves next to our jobs - and we take great pride in that fact. Because who knows more about our profession than we do ourselves?!

IMA consists of IMA Global and a number of country groups. Each country group is self-governing with their own National Committee in charge of the group. 

All National Committees are part of the Council which is led by the Executive Committee. 

On top are our members who once a year gather for the Annual General Meeting the day after our international conference.

2023 autumn council in Cape Town

Where do we have members?

IMA's members are spread all over the world -

Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, Ukraine, USA

Get to know more about IMA's country groups

Just like IMA Global has offers for our members, our member country groups also have offers for their own members. 

Please visit our country groups to learn more about their activities and offers for their members. 

If you have questions to the IMA country groups, please reach out to them directly - you can find their contact details here. 

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