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Effektive Kommunikation, Konfliktmanagement & Diversity
Workshop mit Birgit Preuß-Scheuerle
Klare Kommunikation, professionelles Konfliktmanagement und ein Bewusstsein für Diversity sind essenziell für den modernen Berufsalltag. In diesem interaktiven Workshop erhalten die Teilnehmenden wertvolle Impulse, praxisnahe Methoden und direkt anwendbare Strategien.
Jetzt Platz sichern: ANMELDUNG
Diese Veranstaltung bietet eine wertvolle Gelegenheit zur persönlichen und beruflichen Weiterentwicklung – praxisnah, interaktiv und inspirierend. Und natürlich die perfekte Gelegenheit zum Netzwerken.
What sets you apart in your career? Many workplaces are increasingly reliant on artificial intelligence (AI), yet we truly differentiate ourselves when we balance technical skills with those associated with cultural and emotional intelligence. The people we most admire typically connect with others and succeed because they embody human-centric skills that also elevate their influence and impact.
Join our April 24th webinar to explore the trio of cultural, emotional and artificial intelligence, and how they represent opportunities to amplify your value. You’ll gain GenAI insights as we explore how other assistants are using such resources in 2025. Register today, and IMA Training Partner Shelagh Donnelly will also draw on her extensive experience to help you elevate emotional and cultural intelligence skills that can help you thrive.
Learning outcomes:
Non-members are welcome to sign up at the cost of 25 Euro per person. Please sign up to the webinar on our website, and use this link to finalize the payment.
Link to attend the webinar will be sent the day before the webinar provided the sign-up fee has been paid. Sign up fee is non-refundable.
Members attend for free and have access to a 30-day replay.
Link to attend the webinar will be sent the day before webinar.
Assistenz als Change-Agent: Kommunikation mit Wirkung
Workshop mit Sabine Kupfer
Veränderungen gehören zum Job – gerade heute. Doch genau hier liegt Deine Stärke als Assistenz! Du hältst Informationen zusammen, vermittelst zwischen den Beteiligten und bist oft die erste Anlaufstelle. Damit bist Du weit mehr als eine Koordinatorin – Du bist Change-Agent und Mediatorin. Nicht immer sichtbar, aber unverzichtbar.
Doch wie bereitest Du Dich gezielt auf Gespräche vor, um Veränderungen erfolgreich zu begleiten und Widerstände klug zu navigieren? In diesem interaktiven Kurz-Seminar bekommst Du konkrete Strategien, mit denen Du Deine Rolle als Schlüsselgestalterin im Wandel bewusst stärkst.
Erkenne Deinen Einfluss. Nutze Deine Wirkung. Gestalte den Wandel mit.
Für Getränke und einen kleinen Snack ist gesorgt.
Anmeldung hier!
Join us for an exclusive webinar on the NEW Microsoft Outlook! Discover the latest features and tools that will enhance your productivity and streamline your email management. Whether you're a seasoned Outlook user or new to the platform, this session will provide valuable insights and practical tips to help you make the most of the new Outlook.
Key Learning Points:
Non-members are welcome to sign up at the cost of 25 Euro per person. Please register for the webinar here on our website and finalize the payment using this link.
ENDLICH SICHTBAR: Starke Assistenz – erfolgreiche Unternehmen:
Ein Seminar für Assistenzen, die ihre Stärken sichtbar machen und Unternehmen aktiv mitgestalten wollen
Fühlst du dich in deiner Rolle oft unterschätzt und möchtest mehr Anerkennung für deine Leistung? In diesem interaktiven Seminar mit Empowerment-Expertin Caroline Krüll lernst du, dich professionell zu positionieren, selbstbewusst aufzutreten und deine Stärken gezielt sichtbar zu machen.
✔ Authentisches Selbstmarketing & souveräne Kommunikation ✔ Mehr Durchsetzungsstärke & klare Positionierung im Unternehmen ✔ Praktische Übungen für mehr Sicherheit in Meetings & Präsentationen ✔ Starke Netzwerkmöglichkeiten & direkter Mehrwert für dich und dein Unternehmen
Nutze diese Chance, investiere in dich und werde zur sichtbaren Erfolgskraft in deinem Unternehmen!
Hier gibt's alle Informationen und die Anmeldung: ENDLICH SICHTBAR
Do you sometimes feel underestimated in your role? Want to position your expertise more effectively and boost your confidence? Then this interactive seminar is for you!
Make yourself visible – secure your spot now! Register HERE
Wrap up our National Training Day in Düsseldorf with a relaxed networking evening! Enjoy engaging conversations, make new connections, and exchange ideas. Even if you couldn’t attend the training day, you are more than welcome to join us. English-speaking members are also warmly invited!
Register here!
IMA Germany AGM
All members will receive an invitation.
We'll be diving into the details of the IMA 51st International Annual Conference taking place in beautiful Hasselt, Belgium. The theme for this year's conference is "The path to empowering leadership – lessons for your day-to-day job." During the webinar, you'll gain deeper insights into the speakers and their specific topics, learning valuable lessons that can be applied to your daily work.
Additionally, we'll provide more information about the stunning conference venue at Radisson Blu and why Hasselt is the perfect destination for this event. You'll also hear about the fantastic kickoff planned at the trendy La Bottega and our grand celebration of IMA Belgium's 40th anniversary during a Gala Dinner at the Tiendschuur in Herkenrode.
The IMA Belgium Project team will be present to introduce themselves and address any practical questions you may have about the event and the leisure program.
Don't miss out on this inspiring opportunity! Register for our webinar and join us on the call on 4th June.
Hosts: Alexander Stöger (ALEGER - global partner for IMA) and Franziska Deutsch (co-host and member of IMA Germany)
As an International Management Assistant, you are essential in ensuring meetings are structured, decisions are well-documented, and follow-ups are clear. But manual protocolling is time-consuming and prone to errors.
Imagine reducing your post-meeting documentation time significantly while achieving an accuracy of up to 99.47%—whether for online or onsite meetings. AI-powered protocolling makes this a reality!
What You Will Learn:
Reduce the time spent on manual note-taking and structuring, allowing you to focus on more strategic tasks.
Learn how AI achieves up to 99.47% precision, ensuring detailed, consistent, and error-free meeting protocols.
See AI protocolling in action and gain practical insights into seamless integration into your daily workflow.
Why Attend?
AI is revolutionizing the role of management assistants, transforming meeting documentation into a fast, efficient, and highly accurate process. Stay ahead of the curve and equip yourself with the skills to leverage AI effectively.
Register now and take your meeting management to the next level with AI!
Non-members are welcome to sign up at the cost of 25 Euro per person. Please sign up here on the website and finalize the payment on this link.
Members attend for free.
Date to be disclosed later.
Theme and date to be disclosed later