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IMA Finland järjestää jäsenilleen valmiusluennon 13.3.2025 Helsingissä. Lyyti-kutsu tilaisuuteen on lähetetty 15.1.2025. Tilaisuus on täyttynyt, mutta voit ilmoittautua jonopaikalle Lyytissä.
IMA Finland ry:n vuosikokous pidetään torstaina 20.3.2025 Tapahtumahotelli HUONE Kluuvissa. Lyyti-kutsu jäsenistölle on lähetetty 15.1.2025.
The 28th International Training Day will take place in Rotterdam, The Netherlands on 29 March, 2025 in the central venue Hilton Rotterdam. The host is IMA Netherlands.
Registration is now open!
All members have received an invitation by e-mail - non-members are welcome to read more and sign up through below link
Our hotel is in Rotterdam’s vibrant city center, half a kilometer from Central Station, linking you to Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. The hotel is on the corner of the city’s two main streets, Coolsingel and Weena, surrounded by bars, restaurants, theaters, and shopping.
IMA secures a group booking for you to use, so you get a better price - so please wait for that to become available.
Please take a look at our sponsorship options here
What sets you apart in your career? Many workplaces are increasingly reliant on artificial intelligence (AI), yet we truly differentiate ourselves when we balance technical skills with those associated with cultural and emotional intelligence. The people we most admire typically connect with others and succeed because they embody human-centric skills that also elevate their influence and impact.
Join our April 24th webinar to explore the trio of cultural, emotional and artificial intelligence, and how they represent opportunities to amplify your value. You’ll gain GenAI insights as we explore how other assistants are using such resources in 2025. Register today, and IMA Training Partner Shelagh Donnelly will also draw on her extensive experience to help you elevate emotional and cultural intelligence skills that can help you thrive.
Learning outcomes:
Non-members are welcome to sign up at the cost of 25 Euro per person. If you want to attend, please write to executivefinance@ima-network.org.
Link to attend the webinar will be sent the day before the webinar provided the sign-up fee has been paid. Sign up fee is non-refundable.
Members attend for free.
Link to attend the webinar will be sent the day before webinar.
Join us for an exclusive webinar on the NEW Microsoft Outlook! Discover the latest features and tools that will enhance your productivity and streamline your email management. Whether you're a seasoned Outlook user or new to the platform, this session will provide valuable insights and practical tips to help you make the most of the new Outlook.
Key Learning Points:
Non-members are welcome to sign up at the cost of 25 Euro per person.
If you are interested in attending as non-member, please write to executivefinance@ima-network.org.
Date to be disclosed later.
Theme and date to be disclosed later